The Festival

Oct 21
Los Angeles State Historic Park
1245 North Spring Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012

Procession’s three walking performances converge at the Los Angeles State Historic Park, where their arrival launches a festival celebrating the LA River and the water ecology of California.

This free event includes family-friendly art workshops, panel discussions, and opportunities to learn about critical social and environmental issues from communities who have been adversely affected by the diversion of the river and its resources.

Local artists’ programming further enriches the experience, including FandangObon’s community-oriented dance performances at the park’s circular stage. The park will also be activated by local artists and artist collectives, including Asian Pacific Islander Forward Movement (APIFM), Coyotl + Macehualli, El Sereno Community Land Trust, Great Leap, Lauren Bon and The Metabolic Studio, Sacred Places Institute, and Sustainable Little Tokyo/Bokashi.

Additionally, The Chapter House will invite the public to play Exquisite Corpse: LA River Edition—a river-inspired collaborative drawing where each successive participant adds onto the work of the previous. Through our collaborative mark-making and interpretations of the river, the contribution of all participants creates a piece greater than the sum of its parts.

Festival Lineup

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